Digging Confidence
Although grade is not critical for underground electrical utilities, you need to dig deep enough to have the electrical line protected, while at the same time keeping it accessible for maintenance. Trimble technology from SITECH Northeast gives you the direction you need in the cab of your excavator, and in addition, it can provide a very valuable location and elevation record, since those assets will be buried.
Trimble helps you in several important ways in this situation; at layout time; as quality control while installing; and for the “as-built” document, which can be described as an insurance policy – to prove that you have followed specs. A precise record of your underground fiberoptic cable is extremely important, since there are no manholes that allow access once the cable is buried and it can be difficult to locate.
The three key concerns on your mind when you’re digging sewer lines and manholes should be digging in the right spot, at the right elevation and maintaining the right slope. Septic requirements are very strict, and by using machine guidance on an excavator you can do your work knowing that you will not over-excavate and that you will not place too much bedding material. You’ll accomplish more in less time and save on material and trucking, too. Trimble GPS tools also provide you with an accurate record that lets you prove what you’ve done, and helps future work to be carried on without disturbing existing utilities.
WATER Besides your concern about elevation – keeping the pipe at the right depth so it’s always below the frost line – what’s unique to this situation is that the pipe is not a cable with two ends; it has many sections. Trimble allows you to keep a record of the joints, so if there’s a break you know where to dig. No more wasted time digging for the faulty

Spectra Precision Pipe Laser & GL622 Rotating Laser

You’ll be ready to handle the challenges of pipework and boring for gravity-flow sanitary and storm sewers with these rugged, waterproof, and easy-to-use grade tools.